
Introduction to Joe Hamilton with NightOwl-Studio

My name is Joe Hamilton with NightOwl-Studio, and my purpose as an artist is to ignite a spark of inspiration within others, guiding them towards their own creative outlets. Through my art, I strive to inspire individuals to discover the transformative power of self-expression and unlock the hidden depths of their creativity.


Black & white photo of Joe Hamilton with NightOwl-Studio

Joe Hamilton


Art has been my sanctuary, especially during the heart-wrenching journey of coping with the loss of my beloved father. It was in those difficult moments that I sought solace in the act of creation. Art became my refuge, allowing me to navigate the intricate web of emotions and find healing amidst the pain. It became a way for me to honor his memory, to commemorate his impact on my life, and to find a sense of connection even in his absence.


black & white photo of father & son. Joe Hamilton & David Hamilton

Me & my Dad


Painting, woodworking, photography, and working with epoxy resin are the realms where my passion truly comes alive. Each medium offers a unique avenue for me to translate my innermost thoughts and emotions into tangible expressions. The strokes of paint on canvas bring forth a symphony of colors and emotions, while woodworking allows me to shape raw materials into tangible forms of beauty. Through the lens of my camera, I capture fleeting moments of truth and authenticity. And in the mesmerizing dance of epoxy resin, I create captivating pieces that reflect the depths of my soul.


Engaging in these artistic endeavors has become a lifeline for me. It is a way to temporarily escape the chaos and demands of life, to immerse myself in a realm where time slows down and my mind finds respite. Each brushstroke, each carving, each photograph, and each resin creation is a form of therapy—a means to process my thoughts, heal my wounds, and discover profound personal growth.


I am on an unending quest to refine my craft, to experiment with new techniques, and to push the boundaries of my artistic capabilities. My work exudes authenticity, as it reflects my personal experiences, emotions, and the intricate layers of my being. It is through exhibitions, workshops, and sharing my journey on various platforms that I strive to connect with others, empowering them to embark on their own creative paths. I wholeheartedly believe in the power of art as a transformative force, and I invite others to join me on this journey of self-discovery and healing.


In a world where self-expression often gets overshadowed by the demands of daily life, I stand as a testament to the profound impact that art can have on our well-being. It is my purpose to encourage individuals to embrace their creative inclinations, to channel their emotions into artistic endeavors, and to find solace, growth, and self-discovery through the remarkable power of artistic expression.


NightOwl-Studio black & white logo of Owl

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