Green, black, blue, and white abstract acrylic painting

Green Splash – Black, Green, White & Blue Acrylic Pour by NightOwl-Studio

This abstract painting showcases a captivating splash of colors, primarily featuring black, light blue, green, and white. The artwork embraces a non-representational style, focusing on the interplay of these vibrant hues. The dominant black background sets a dramatic tone, providing a sense of depth and contrast. The light blue and green hues serve as accents, infusing the painting with a refreshing and tranquil energy. Splashes of white add a touch of brightness, creating a dynamic and visually engaging composition. The splatters convey movement and spontaneity, giving the artwork a sense of life and energy. Overall, this abstract painting captivates the viewer with its bold color palette and expressive nature.



Colors Used:

Liquitex Light Green Permanent, Cerulean Blue Hue, Titanium White, Mars Black


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