Betta - White, Red & Blue Acrylic Pour by NightOwl-Studio

Betta - White, Red & Blue Acrylic Pour by NightOwl-Studio

This abstract painting portrays the essence of a betta fish using a combination of white, red, and blue hues. The artwork deviates from realistic representation, opting for a more interpretive and expressive style. The dominant white background creates a sense of purity and tranquility, serving as a canvas for the vibrant red and blue elements that depict the betta fish. The red captures the fish's dynamic energy, symbolizing its fiery nature, while the blue signifies its calm and serene qualities. Conveys movement and fluidity, mirroring the graceful swimming motion of the betta fish. Through this abstract representation, the painting invites viewers to appreciate the fish's beauty and capture its essence in an imaginative and thought-provoking manner.



Colors Used: 

Liquitex Phthalocyanine Blue, Cerulean Blue Hue, Cadmium Red Deep Hue, Titanium White


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